
The Centre for Applied Ethics was formally inaugurated on 13 May 1992. It is the first of its kind to be established in China and one of the first in Asia. The Centre commits to developing world-leading research on practical ethical concerns. With an established legacy of pioneering world-leading bioethics and just war theory research in China and broader Asia, our present transformation addresses emerging issues facing global society including: the rise of artificial intelligence and new digital technologies, sustainable development, global peace, environmental and animal ethics, and other emerging issues for which our foundational bases of expertise in the Centre are uniquely suited. Recent changes in the University-wide research strategy, the advent of transdisciplinary subjects, and the restructuring of the Faculty and the Department of Religion and Philosophy all continue to offer the Centre the opportunity to reflect upon how our Centre can reinforce existing institutional goals and new directions for the future.

  1. To foster collaborative research and action on applied ethical concerns related to Hong Kong, Chinese and global problems as outlined in the University’s commitment to whole person education and sustainable development goals.
  2. To promote, produce and direct high-level collaborative research on applied ethical issues supporting the University’s strategy for research, including clusters in the Institutional Strategic Plan and Faculty Niche Research Area.

  1. Development of high-impact research in applied ethics
  2. Research collaborations with leading scholars/research teams within and beyond Hong Kong
Dr. Benedict Chan Shing Bun
Director, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBS University of Wisconsin, MA
University of Maryland, PhD
University of Maryland
Job StatusAssociate Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University
Personal Website

Dr. Levi Mahonri Checketts
Director, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBA University of Notre Dame, MTS
Boston College, PhD
The Graduate Theological Union
Job StatusAssistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University

Prof. Chan King Cheung 
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBA, MPhil, MBA The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Job StatusRaymond R. Wong Endowed Professor in Media Ethics and Professor of Practice, Department of Journalism, Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr. Ann Gillian Chu
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationMA University of Edinburgh, M.Div
Regent College, PhD
University of St Andrews
Job StatusAssistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University
Personal Website

Dr. Martin C. K. Chung
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBSc De la Salle University
MSocSc University of Macau
PhD University of Hong Kong
Job StatusAssociate Professor, Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr. Kwok Wai Luen
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationHigher Diploma in Public and Social Administration CityU HK, M.Div.
ABS HK, Th.M. in Chinese Church History
ABS HK, MSocSc in Counselling
CityU HK, PhD in Theology
King’s College London
Job StatusHead, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University

Prof. Lo Ping Cheung
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBA Nat’l Taiwan, PhD
New York at Buffalo, MA, MPhil, PhD
Job StatusProfessor Emeritus, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr. William Ng Yau Nang
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBA Nat’l Taiwan, MA
Nat'l Tsing Hua U, PhD
University of Toronto
Job StatusProfessor, Department of History, National Taiwan Normal University

Prof. Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationPhD University of Helsinki
Job StatusProfessor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr. Rachel Siow Robertson
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics  
EducationBA, MPhil, PhD University of Cambridge
Job StatusAssistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr. Wong Bon-wah Baldwin
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBBA CUHK, MA York, PgCHE, PhD LSE
Job StatusAssistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr. Wong Pak Hang
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationB.A. HKU, M.Phil HKU, PhD University of Twente
Job StatusAssistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University

Prof. Jiji Zhang
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBA Beijing University, MS, PhD Carnegie Mellon University
Job StatusProfessor, Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. Ellen Y. Zhang
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBA Beijing Normal, MA China Renmin, MA, PhD Rice
Job StatusProfessor Emeritus, Department of Religion and Philosophy; Professor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau

Prof. Ruiping Fan
Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics
EducationBM Baotou, MA CASS, PhD Rice
Job StatusProfessor, Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong

Centre for Applied Ethics
Room 504, Oen Hall Building (West Wing),
HSH Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University,
224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3411 7274 / 3411 5730
Fax: (852) 3411 5151